Foundation Children Raise Funds at Dessert Festival

With Christmas being just around the corner, the Gula-Gula Dessert Festival 2021 kicked off on Monday, and will run up until 26th December.

Children from the Hiichiikok Home for Children Care were assigned to the very first day to sell their homemade goodies. They will be appearing once again on Thursday, 16th December to resume their fund-raising activities.

Being a part of Yayasan Feruni’s Income Independence Initiative, the children have started making and selling popcorn since mid-April this year. It is one of the items sold at their booth.

Within the home itself, the founder Nalini prepared the jam tarts and murukku with a little assistance.

All the food-handlers are fully vaccinated, and are required to do a COVID-19 saliva test a day before manning the booth. This gives assurance of safety to customers.

The older children from the Home are taking turns to man their booth – Booth 16 at the Concourse on the Ground Floor of Lot 10 Shopping Centre. Do stop by and show your support!