The Hiichiikok Home for Children Care was founded in November 2012 for the purpose of creating a conducive living environment for children who are orphans, from single parent households and under-privileged backgrounds.
Their mission is to enable these children to live a life with a better tomorrow, where their main focus is on the children’s welfare and education.
This year, kind souls who see the need to reach out and help where they can, have offered their assistance in more ways than one. More so during this time of the pandemic, where food and monetary donations have never run short.
Manager of the home, Ms Freida Ngui, is ever so thankful for the contributions.
“We’ve been receiving donations from many kind hearted individuals, neighbours, churches, temples, NGOs, and bakeries. We also get whole sale fresh vegetables from markets and fresh fruits from fruit vendors.”
“Aren’t we so blessed?” asked Frieda.
Blessed is indeed the right word. The children, even being from different backgrounds and age groups, all feel the same for their generous contributors: thankful and blessed.
Among the contributors are Hokkaido, Bread Story, Shining Star Foundation, Yayasan Feruni, and the Budimas Foundation, aside from a long list of individual donors.